Course Description

Exclusive, free course! Take the first step and set yourself up to go a lot faster on less training, lose excess body fat, preserve health, train intuitively, and have more fun in the process! It's time to go primal!


Brad Kearns

Brad Kearns is the President of Primal Blueprint Publishing. He has worked closely with Mark Sisson since 2008 on The Primal Blueprint, The Primal Blueprint 90-Day Journal, The Primal Connection, and as co-author of Primal Endurance and the NYT Bestselling book, The Keto Reset Diet. Kearns is a former national champion and #3 world-ranked professional triathlete.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    9 Steps to Becoming A Primal Endurance Athlete

    • Step 1: Slow Down

    • Step 2: Sleep

    • Step 3: Balance Out, Chill Out

    • Step 4: Implement A Primal Eating Strategy

    • Step 5: Fat Adapted Training

    • Step 6: Integrate Strength Training

    • Step 7: Complementary Movement Lifestyle

    • Step 8: Recovery

    • Step 9: Release Your Attachment to the Outcome

    • Podcast Shows